One of the specific objectives of this project is to document, analyze and disseminate the impact of laws and policies directly affecting civic space to support advocacy efforts. The research outlined in this report is an integral part of that effort.
The conclusions are based primarily on the real-life experiences and perceptions of the respondents, including human rights defenders and civil society actors involved in the
assessment process. This indicator is based on quantitative data collected during the study.

The primary objective of this study is to identify and demonstrate how laws and regulations affect Ugandan civic space.
The concept of civic space is broad. However, Article 38 of the Republic of Uganda's 1995
Constitution provides for the fundamental aspects of civic space rights. The Article assures participation in civic rights and activities by stating that every Ugandan citizen has the right to participate in government matters, either personally or through his or her representatives, in line with the law. The Article also establishes the right of every Ugandan to engage in peaceful actions to influence government policies through civic organizations.
The civic space openness should be understood in the context of three fundamental freedoms, namely, expression and association and assembly. It is on the premise of these
freedoms that different civic formations, including non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations (CBOs), operate and on which they base their existence as a matter of right. Indeed, freedom of expression has been emphasized as a cornerstone of democracy. Because democracy is inherently based on free and open debate, making decisions and generally participating in debates in public affairs.

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